Thank you, Dr. Parks for an excellent article! When it comes to feedback, I remember the very wise words I heard at a talk given by Jiddu Krishnamurti. It was at the Felt Forum in Manhattan when he was 88 years old. And he spoke forcefully and clearly, and I remember well his words. He urged us to be reflective and not reactive when receiving feedback, even if we felt the feedback was completely inappropriate or not helpful we should just take it in and thank the person and tell them we would reflect on it. Krishnamurti said you should reflect on feedback for at least 24 hours if not more. He said you’ll often find to your surprise that at least some of what the person said rings true, and is helpful, even if this person seemed adversarial.

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Your thoughts and remembrance of Jiddu Krishnamurti are a wonderful supplement to this article, as he was an early influence and inspiration for me, especially in the areas of Eastern wisdom and philosophy. I heard and saw him at his last lecture before he died, at an overflow crowd honoring him at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. I had to sit in the last row of the immense auditorium, as the crowd was so large. His last words were about death; the audience strained forward to hear his last words. Those of us sitting so remotely in the back could only hear a few of his words but felt honored to be in the presence of the beloved teacher in his final days. References for interest: [1] A Path to Truth, by J. Krishnamurti - https://www.awakin.org/v2/read/view.php?tid=437 [2] Questions and Answers - http://w.jkrishnamurti.org/krishnamurti-teachings/print.php?tid=1395&chid=1092

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